翻滚的梅菜包 发表于 2024-05-05 23:53
回复 1楼 sunnydream 的帖子sous vide. Set a temperature and let it be. Finally finish on the stove. Best steak you will ever have. See this link:
Some people like their meat well-done. However, there is no real reason to use a sous vide precision technique if you like your steak well-done. Just grill or pan-roast until it's as done as you like it.
这个贴子里说了这么一段话,sous vide对well done没啥用。不能见红就做点红烧的吧。我老公之前也是吃well done, 其他人吃medium rare, 吃过两次之后,就跟着大家一起吃medium rare了