my coworker Angie's mom is hopitalized for lung cancerme: how's it going with your mom?
A: oh, you know, she's not getting any better or worse.
me: just hang in there. she's a wonderful lady, just as optimistic as you
A: you are so sweet. i'm gonna take her out to my cousin's graduation party this weekend
me: that sounds fun, as long as she feels like up for it.
A: yeah, she wants to do it.
me: i know she's under Chemo. i hope she still has good appetitie
A: mostly we have to feed her baby food. but there's also times she craves steak
me: well, that's a good sign. have a good weekend then. have fun at the party
A: thanks, we will. i'll see you Monday
[此贴子已经被Alexandria于2007-6-17 23:32:06编辑过]