The key to small talk is to
1) Talk often so there is more things to talk about
2) Remember what was said so you can bring it up again next time
3) Small talk generally start with some generic and then gradually get more details and more personal
If you just have just met a co-worker, this is how i would start
#1 真实内容如下:
Me: How are you?
Cowoker: Good, youself?
Me: Great. How long have you been with the company?
Cowker: About a year ago. And you?
Me: Me too, i started about five years ago too. Which start group were you with?
Note: My company sends new hires to bootcamp for training and is referred as start group.)
Cowoker: Start group #26.
Me: Cool, i know a few folks from that start group. I think xxx and yyy are from your start group.
Coworker: Oh, yeah, i'm pretty good friends with xxx. How do you know xxx?
Me: I worked with xxx on a project a couple of months back. I actually just got an email from him.
Coworker: How is he doing?
Me: He is doing great, just bought his first condo and is in the process of moving
[此贴子已经被Alexandria于2007-6-13 20:11:18编辑过]