[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-6 21:40:41编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-6 21:40:41编辑过]
Unfortunately, I live in a high expense area.
How much will the $320k mortgage and other related expense on the house cost us per month?
Unfortunately, I live in a high expense area.
How much will the $320k mortgage and other related expense on the house cost us per month?
I do not know the exact amount, it depends on a number of things. But you can check it out using some online finance tools, or ask your finance advisor. Good news is that I know people whose family income is similar to yours and bought $400K house in Bay area, and are having decent life.
You are so nice! Thanks a lot. It seems that I need to do some homework before making our budget.
In case some one else need it, I put the link here:http://www.paycycle.com/resources/paycheckCalculators.jsp
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