me: I really hate to go to the gym in the summer. Without AC, it's hazy and disgusting.
Em: You are right, me neither. I'd rather go outside, you know, running or playing tennis.
me: I don't like running, though. It's boring and it's bad for the knees. Tennis is really fun, but since i'm still a rookie, it's not exactly aerobics or cardio. Most of the time, i'm standing still, watching the ball passing by, or spending 10 minutes chasing the balls, which are all over the place.
Em: You can do swimming~~
me: I like swimming. But I can only swim for one or two days per week. The chlorine in the water really hurts my eyes after a while.
Em: go hiking then. I know a couple of really good places for hiking and camping around here. It's really fun.
me: Great. Give me the details. I'd love to go sometime.
small talks多从身边的小事开始,聊天的同时还可以获取有用的信息
[此贴子已经被Alexandria于2007-6-22 18:00:04编辑过]