我基本同意gilda 的几点, 但是也有一些不同的看发。 HIPEC is not a standard of care in US for a lot of disease. But insurance still covers in most cases. However, there is no evidence that HIPEC works in her disease. I can not believe that she is going to Cancer Treatment Center of America and will donate all the rest of money to them. It is a franchised private group practice (in her home page). I think this is a situation that many academic centers denied her case because of lacking of evidence and risk is greater that benefit. We are all saddened by her dying young. But at certain point, you have to say to yourself, enough is enough, which is a relieve for herself and her poor husband. Again, my opinion may not be relevant to the donation.
Madonna2 发表于 12/14/2015 11:25:18 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1940040&postid=70058407#70058407][/url]
只是决得到了现在, 安安应该对他丈夫说,停止治料,回家安静地过完剩余的时间。Otherwise, if she cannot have HIPEC, her husband will feel guilty for the rest of his life. Her husband has already overworked physically and emotionally. I will not do that to my spouse if I love him.
Madonna2 发表于 12/14/2015 11:47:49 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1940040&postid=70058700#70058700][/url]
好多人拍砖给lz,说她说的第二条,政治不正确。基本老年病得到的钱比较多,很简单,有钱人年纪都大了,追求健康年轻永生,有这个财力资助。 不做道德评价,这里帮助一个绝症的姑娘争取一下,就有那么多人担心浪费社会资源。我想问一句,那些担心浪费的,你们一点都不浪费么?不要求你去拯救谁,但是不要双标要求不高吧。
呵呵呵呵,的确非常不正确。health econ还有pharmaco-econ上有个道德难题,就是,是否每条人命都值一样的钱?一样的钱,救小孩儿,或者说,救青壮年,是不是比救老人来得更effective?每年那么多钱投到dementia的研究上,是不是很浪费钱?
public policy上来说,人命不分贵贱,不能分,这要敢一分贵贱,那该没完没了了,某些种族鄙视另外种族,年轻人鄙视老人,基因好的鄙视基因差的,受过教育的鄙视没受过教育的。。。完蛋了。。。。从cost-utility analysis上来说,具体使用QALY(quality adjusted life year)作为outcome measure的话,理论上来说,一个人如果活过了这个社会的平均寿命(life expectancy)那么多活的年数就不值钱啦~~~在这个年数以下,不分贵贱,不分长幼,命都一样值钱。
Sweet.Jane 发表于 12/14/2015 3:34:11 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1940040&postid=70061957#70061957][/url]
这个逻辑因果不对。。。不是逻辑,我印象中读过,所以我是当事实来说的。 如果我记错了,那另当别论。
Sweet.Jane 发表于 12/14/2015 3:51:25 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1940040&postid=70062171#70062171][/url]