以下是引用candyheart在2006-6-22 15:17:00的发言:以下是引用shenghuobuyi在2006-6-22 14:42:00的发言:以下是引用Durian在2006-6-22 12:12:00的发言:重新看了一遍MM的贴子,发现也有可能是MM的口语确实差一点,他说EXCUSE ME的时候应该就是没听懂MM说的内容。
You said you read through again and thinks maybe it might really be the problem of my spoken English. Did you mean you found out because of my written expression is pretty bad too? if that is the case, could you point out a little bit?
I just feel it is hard to find someone to help you on improving whatever you need to. say, nobody will directly say your sentense is wrong, your pronounciation is wrong, not even talk about wrong manners, pessimistic attitude. They are nice to you all the time. That is one reason why I ended up like this. Even have been in this country for almost 6 years, I still have serious problem with communication. What a shame.
Do criticise what you think is not right and will help on other people's growth.
your English can't be bad, not even your spoken Engllish!!
I used to deal with a British gay man a lot and he's the bossman two levels above me. Honestly speaking, that gay man was just "emotionally amusive", intelligent indeed I admit, but he sucked big time showing respect to others...I was truely defeated and felt downhearted for months, not because of work, but because of his attitude and the way I had to communicate with him (and also for the messy managment structure, it's not even clear whom I should report to, I had two bosses at the same time, one on the management side, the other more toward the technical side). I wondered, why each time after I talked to him I felt like shit?! Of course you can imagine I was not the only one who had this problem with him...He did give me praises now and then, but still, my self-esteem was beat on hard, hehe...
Take it easy, and maybe you can google some tips to "fight" with "emoitonally abusive" people, and also, be confident when you talk to him (I think confidence is the key) and silently remind yourself that you have your unique capabilities and values and you deserve all respects.
Look at the bright side, maybe you gotta conqure some hurdles before you hit some goldmine ![[em13]](https://emojis.huaren.us/static/emojis/v1/default/em13.gif)
wow, situation is so similar. I have 2 bosses too. well, he is not exactly a boss, but he is a team member who has much more experience than me and he got onto the project even earlier than the PM. yeah, it is confusing. Sometimes he is nice and encouraging but all of a sudden he can be bossy and rude. I even thought about asking his PERSONALITY TYPE. so, What did you do finally to get along with him? Any tricks? um, I should be more self-confident.
Almost the end of Thursday. I will ask more tonight in Chinese.