以下是引用Cyprus在2006-6-16 5:51:00的发言:
以下是引用turningleaf在2006-6-15 15:53:00的发言:
另外你不觉得这个网很没有效率么? 如果想跟我讨论些有意思的东西,给我发email 吧。反正我们大部分观点都在网上说了些了。我对这个网也没什么兴趣了。我和iwill和stillwater mm都下来说了。
我这两天这么啰里啰唆,就是害怕出现这种局面啊。你看你发的这些帖子还有大家的讨论,多少mm在受益,包括我自己。一个小的圈子,固然可以保证冲突的减少,可是从另一个角度来说,贡献idea和受益的人也减少了。我想观点的冲突总是会有,也许是我做的不好,适得其反地反而把事情搞得严重了。那你们要是走了,我可就要被大家骂死了!恳请几位mm继续留下来。。。 (第一次用这么煽情的表情阿。。。)
I will definitely come here. I experienced some disturbance recently and was very busy with my work. I have learned so much here and I will write down my working experience after I finished this urgent project.
I haven't been here for a while. After reading some of the argument recently, my hope is: can we stop the discussion about vanity? I really believe both leaf and voice MM have a good intention.