In addition, i'm not sure what iwill and as_still_water think on communication mentioned your private discussion with them, which might not be the most effective way as your conversation was private, and they might not want to discuss your private conversation in public. One might think that the two gals are going to quit, but it might not be the case unless they say so......right?
The major reason that I may not come as often as before is I am starting a new project this week. It's a project that I have been waiting for a while so I decided to spend more time on work for now.
I do feel I have wasted a lot time on line in the past few months so it's just the moment to switch focus. Another reason is as what Caffeine MM said, it's not an effective way of communicating private topics in public because it brings unnecessary argues and misunderstandings, some can be very disturbing.
It doesn't mean I will be disappeared forever. If there's any idea or thoughts that I think will benefit the board, I will pitch in when I have time.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-16 9:52:03编辑过]