If you really want to work, try to find an entry level job first. Just make sure that is what you really want to do. After you work for a while, you will pick up things fast. It will never be too late. All depends on how you want your life to be.

I got MBA here in the US by the end of 2003 without any work experience. I wasted for about 1 and a half year not knowing what I can do. Then I found an office admin job in a small company. I took it as a good opportunity to gain experience even if they paid me low at that time. I kept being promoted in this company during the past. Now I am going to join a big company as Business Analyst and will get paid more than 3 times my start rate. It all happened within a year.

Good Luck![em08]

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-6 19:22:14编辑过]