Never too late to start your career.
Having a baby is the perfect explanation for 2 years gap.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-6 18:51:37编辑过]
真能拿BABY当挡箭牌吗?我没经验,不知道去面试跟人家这么说行不行.NEVER TOO LATE TO START A CAREER,没错,不过听起来很大道理,再说细一点好吗?THANKS ANYWAY!
30很年轻啊, 一点都不晚。 很多美国人都在家带几年孩子, 所以gap也没问题。
If you really want to work, try to find an entry level job first. Just make sure that is what you really want to do. After you work for a while, you will pick up things fast. It will never be too late. All depends on how you want your life to be.
I got MBA here in the US by the end of 2003 without any work experience. I wasted for about 1 and a half year not knowing what I can do. Then I found an office admin job in a small company. I took it as a good opportunity to gain experience even if they paid me low at that time. I kept being promoted in this company during the past. Now I am going to join a big company as Business Analyst and will get paid more than 3 times my start rate. It all happened within a year.
Good Luck!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-6 19:22:14编辑过]
If you really want to work, try to find an entry level job first. Just make sure that is what you really want to do. After you work for a while, you will pick up things fast. It will never be too late. All depends on how you want your life to be.
I got MBA here in the US by the end of 2003 without any work experience. I wasted for about 1 and a half year not knowing what I can do. Then I found an office admin job in a small company. I took it as a good opportunity to gain experience even if they paid me low at that time. I kept being promoted in this company during the past. Now I am going to join a big company as Business Analyst and will get paid more than 3 times my start rate. It all happened within a year.
Good Luck!
真能拿BABY当挡箭牌吗?我没经验,不知道去面试跟人家这么说行不行.NEVER TOO LATE TO START A CAREER,没错,不过听起来很大道理,再说细一点好吗?THANKS ANYWAY!
你才停了两年,不算什么的,而且你是在宝宝最需要关心的时候陪伴宝宝,其实很多人都想这么做的. 我不了解你的专业,只是觉得,一旦下决心要复出,就得下点工夫把专业捡起来.虽然别人都能理解因为带孩子而中断career的选择,但是人家也要找能做事的人啊.等到40岁的时候就回觉得30岁很年轻的
If you really want to work, try to find an entry level job first. Just make sure that is what you really want to do. After you work for a while, you will pick up things fast. It will never be too late. All depends on how you want your life to be.
I got MBA here in the US by the end of 2003 without any work experience. I wasted for about 1 and a half year not knowing what I can do. Then I found an office admin job in a small company. I took it as a good opportunity to gain experience even if they paid me low at that time. I kept being promoted in this company during the past. Now I am going to join a big company as Business Analyst and will get paid more than 3 times my start rate. It all happened within a year.
Good Luck!
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