以下是引用pumpkin在10/20/2010 9:14:00 PM的发言:
亏着我睡觉前来看一眼,看到美飘母女俩,哈哈! 小飘个子好高啊,扎两个小羊角辫,又漂亮又可爱。完美,你体重是不是都长小baby身上了,看你好像没胖啊,至少脸上看不出来,呵呵。 祝 你明天检查顺利! 我猜是男孩,呵呵。小飘的腿真长!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/20 22:49:37编辑过]
苗苗太可爱了. 胖墩今天也parade. 可惜我们没空去给照照片
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/31 21:35:16编辑过]
the computer doesnt allow me to reply in 4/5 building, so...
sexy sexy sleeping beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that one is tooooooo cute!!!!!! oh, and love her ladybug hat~~~
the girls had a great time together ah!!!!! M has such big and beautiful eyes, envy ah envy!!!
look at their hair, hahaha, miaomiao and the 3rd cutie, contrast ah contrast :)
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