化工的Phd读的不爽,research没有进展,还有一年就毕业了,纯粹是混个phd头衔,没打算将来还从事这一行。转行作quant是我的career goal. 虽然我有一些这方面的背景,但是没有学位。
Not to sound harsh. But if you can not do a good job on your research in ChemEng, the odd is you will not be, or even have the chance to be a good quant.
Talking about career goal, I feel it should be something sensible. Ask yourself if you are competitive enough when compared with some brilliant minds. Besides academia, people are driven by money/fame. A job that pays well and provides great career development will also draw much interest from some really smart people.
Not to sound harsh. But if you can not do a good job on your research in ChemEng, the odd is you will not be, or even have the chance to be a good quant.
Talking about career goal, I feel it should be something sensible. Ask yourself if you are competitive enough when compared with some brilliant minds. Besides academia, people are driven by money/fame. A job that pays well and provides great career development will also draw much interest from some really smart people.