
Topic: 寒冷的天气时找人办事的闲聊

me: WoW, it is freezing cold outside. Isn't it is SO NICE and WARM here?

departmental secretary: Yes, I KNOW. We don't usually get this cold around this time of the year. But they say it is gonna get even colder tomorrow.

(background: the university had been closed for one day due to adverse weather several days ago)

me: Then, that's nice---- I hope they can close the university again, that way, we don't have to report to work, do we?

Secretary: YES! I DO hope that too.

(she finished the work with me)

Me: Thanks! Stay warm!!

S: You too!

我觉得闲聊时带进一些最近发生的,大家都熟悉的事情,可以让对话容易的展开。 :)

[此贴子已经被作者于2011/2/9 17:26:21编辑过]