Cyprus: 你说的观点我都理解。(但是我觉得的观点你并没都理解)。因为我LD就是typical NT.
我猜你就会这样说 :) 但是说出来和做到是两回事啊。
另外你不觉得这个网很没有效率么? 如果想跟我讨论些有意思的东西,给我发email 吧。反正我们大部分观点都在网上说了些了。我对这个网也没什么兴趣了。我和iwill和stillwater mm都下来说了。
hey leaf, 不要这样说走就走嘛
about 不同意见 and 理解, I already said it's ok.
the discussion may benefit you or other mm, but it's just not effective anymore for me to discuss things on huaren.
I started out seeking advice and ended up giving out a lot to help people, that's all ok and good. but as stillwater mm said, there are too many distractions, misunderstandings, and personal attack in the cyberspace, and you just can't change it much.
If ever I want to go to a forum again, I'll choose one that I can learn more and talk less :P