再说个如何成功避免了一张speeding ticket的事儿:
问我为啥给拦了。我说不知道,to stop criminal?
警察问我speed limit多少?我说不知道,我就是follow the traffic。警察叔叔说是40。
问我有没有驾照和registration。我找不到registration,到处找也找不到。假装不认识registration。跟他说,if I did not register, I wouldn't have the sticker on the tag, right?
然后我可怜巴巴的问他:You are not going to give me two tickets, are you?
警察大叔心一软,跟我说:instead of giving you a $200 speeding ticket, I am going to give you a ticket for not bringing registration with you. It's going to be $10.
然后怕我笨笨不明白,还很好心的跟我解释:Even though it says $78.5 fine on the back, do not pay that. Make a copy of your registration after you find it, and mail it together with a $10 check.
我这才不装傻了,连声谢谢警察叔叔。他跟我say bye,还说be careful when you pull to the road. Watch for the cars behind。