Sorry I couldn't type Chinese here.
I am in my 8 weeks pregnancy. I found my ear temperature is between 99F to 99.5F since this Monday. I didn't take temperatures recently, so I have no idea if the temperature is OK for a early pregnant woman. JMs, is the temperature 99s seems normal to you? What is your temperature? Thanks for any information. I am so worried about my baby.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-17 9:38:07编辑过]
怀孕头三个月基础体温都会偏高一点(大约98.5-99.5 口腔),耳温和口腔温度差不多,可能略高,所以mm的温度范围还是属于正常的。不要担心。
Thanks, zigzag MM and the other JMs replied to me. I feel better now.
I actually got a low fever last Sunday, the temperature raised to 101F. I visited my OB, and ate tylenol. The temperature dropped down to around 99.3F soon. After stopped using tylenol more than 24 hours, the temperature is still around 99.3F. I feel I am fine now. But my LG still think I have fever.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-17 15:04:53编辑过]
fasting: 93 (标准是<95)
1hr: 190 (标准是<180)
2hr: 176 (标准是<155)
3hr: 140 (标准是<140)
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