22 born last night at 9:46pm, water broken by my OB at 9:20pm, labor is 26 minutes total.
Just like first time with 11, I was forced to go to the hospital yesterday after the OB visit because I had some contractions, although not painful ones. When I arrived at the hospital, cervix was already 7cm open. I wanted to go home because I had no painful contractions. They made me walk around for one hour in the hallway to wait for my OB.
OB arrived, would not allow me to go home, then he immediately broken my water with a stick. then 22 born. Weight and height identical to 11's.
8lbs 5ozs, 21 inches long
We will go home tomorrow.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/21 18:16:21编辑过]
Re. . . . . . .
我0号 也穿m
不过就穿了2次... 勒着难受
我买了六家村的产后紧缩内裤 感觉还不错 套在腿上的时候好小 穿好后居然也不觉得狠勒 我比较喜欢它 要买的话尺寸就按上面写的来就行
我还买了六家村的高弹哺乳tank 感觉也还好 不过这里的也不贵 没必要从国内买 要买的话 要往大一号买
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