跟同事,在他的cube谈事,然后看见他孩子的照片,就开始small talk:

Me: Is this your son? He is so cute! What is his name?

He: Thanks. His name is Kevin, 6 years old.

Me: Is he bilingual as well? (同事是bilingual,英语和西班牙语)

He: Yes, he is. We have beening speaking both English and Spanish to him since he was born.  

Me: Wow, that's really great! 然后blah blah... 说bilingual是优势,很重要...特别是对小孩子的发展。

He: 又说一大堆他是怎么学西班牙语的。

Me: 西班牙语很难学啊,特别是那个卷起来的r的发音,还有词的阴阳性。

He:中文更难啊。blah blah

Me: hahah, it's always easier if you learn it when you are a kid. Anyway, you are a very good parent. Next time, bring Kevin to the office party. It would be nice to meet him.

He: 好啊。。。
