I had very similar experience 2 years ago. The baby was great while I had 8 weeks check, we can see the heartbeat from ultrasound. I didn't see any spotting, even no morning sickness feeling at that time, though I did feel some difference, such as breast sour, some cramp. We're very exciting to wait for our first baby, and was shocked during 12 week check. My Ob told me that no heartbeat detected. And based on the size, baby may be stopped growing about 10 weeks time. We can't believe it, and wait for one more week, still no heartbeat---I had to go through D&C at the time, since baby sticks very tight. That's the worst experience I can image in my lifetime.
Afterwards, I always wondering if I did something wrong to baby. That's the first time we heard miscarriage and I start to read a lot of information online and know it's so normal. It could be any reason. (BTW, I don't think your OB did anything wrong. Pap smear is a routine check by that time, and a lot of people had that check.) I would say that's just the fate -- your lovely baby may not be ready by that time.
A year ago, I had my second miscarriage. This time, the spotting started at 7 weeks, and I lost my baby again.
I was very depressed after two miscarriagies. starbucks_lover mm, I knew it's hard for you to overcome the worst news you ever have. You may blame yourself for any possibilities --since I had exactly that feeling all the time since first miscarriage. I even had to go see consultants for the depression. But nobody else can help you enough, unless yourself. Even your husband or your parents can't -- no matter how much they love you and baby, --- since there are some pains you can only taste by yourself.
Now I got pregnant again, and just pass 13 weeks. I hope everything will be fine this time. Frankly speaking, at the moment, I feel that the best way to overcome sadness is to get another try. I am no longer depressed, though I am very anxious. My Ob always needs to calm me down and tell me everything is ok. This time, I kept the secret only with my husband, without telling my parents or friends. We will bite it down if that's bad news. Though now I feel much more relieved since after 13 weeks, it's comparably safer than before.
starbucks_lover mm, as time goes by, the sorrow will be settle down in the bottom of your heart. But don't indulge into the sorrow. Look ahead, and prepare for your baby come back.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-12 19:23:46编辑过]