I wanna try but I don't have the patience.
以下是引用sinuo在2004-9-15 18:12:36的发言:
I wanna try but I don't have the patience.
以下是引用zizai在2004-11-7 12:26:19的发言:
me, me! I practice at home as long as I have time, so almost daily 40 minutes, like yoga so much!
我更喜欢在家里练, 没有时间限制,什么时候有空就练一个小时,挺舒服的。Gym的课我也上过, 和盘上的内容差不多。不过老师可以帮你纠正姿势。
i wanted to try yoga, but the music is too relaxing for me, and i have to tell myself not to fall asleep, painful ya.