转几个小样, 都是new with box. 默认版规, 小泡沫信封上次多买了几个,就不收钱了. 全要的话就包邮. 价格是版上考古所得的剪掉20%左右吧.
The moisturizing lotion 5ml C39 $8
The moisturizing gel cream 3.5ml AC8 $6
The hydrating infusion 15ml AA8 $6
The eye concentrate 3ml A39 $13
The moisturizing lotion 5ml C39 $8
The moisturizing gel cream 3.5ml AC8 $6
The hydrating infusion 15ml AA8 $6
The eye concentrate 3ml A39 $13
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/8 23:05:56编辑过]