是个FREE GIFT.很大的一盒. 不过我从来没有听说过这个牌子, 看它的包装也不很正规, 连产地,生产日期都没有, 大家说这样的东西敢用么?

以下是引用Poohbear在2004-5-6 20:12:50的发言:
以下是引用bbfat在2004-5-6 18:00:22的发言:
是个FREE GIFT.很大的一盒. 不过我从来没有听说过这个牌子, 看它的包装也不很正规, 连产地,生产日期都没有, 大家说这样的东西敢用么?
以下是引用darkmoon在2004-5-6 22:08:00的发言:
我都是LOYALTY DISCOUNT 10%OFF的忠实顾客了,也没有见他们给过什么FREE GIFT,BBCAT MM真是好运气啊,羡慕.
以下是引用kiaa在2004-5-6 22:21:23的发言:看来就是得晾他们一段时间, 他们就会给好DEAL了.
i also got this poor silver necklace but not the pallete. although i purchased makeup and skincares more than 5 times from this site, they only give me a loyalty discount 3%to get deeper discounts, maybe i should not give them my money any more....
以下是引用bbfat在2004-5-6 22:33:11的发言:以下是引用kiaa在2004-5-6 22:21:23的发言:看来就是得晾他们一段时间, 他们就会给好DEAL了.
i also got this poor silver necklace but not the pallete. although i purchased makeup and skincares more than 5 times from this site, they only give me a loyalty discount 3%to get deeper discounts, maybe i should not give them my money any more....