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Beat Interview Brainteasers

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04-04-08 22:57操作
Beat Interview Brainteasers
by Thad Peterson
Monster Staff Writer

How many quarters -- placed one on top of the other -- would it take to reach the top of the Empire State Building?

When Jeremy Solomon was asked this in an interview, he didn't have a clue as to what would be the correct answer. Nonetheless, he remained calm.

First, he asked the interviewer exactly what she meant by 損laced on top of the other.?After she said on their sides, Solomon began to explain his logic step-by-step to the interviewer. He estimated that a quarter is about an inch in diameter and guessed that there are 120 floors in the Empire State Building, with each floor being 10 feet tall. Then he did the appropriate math.

Did Solomon give the right answer? Not quite -- the building only has 102 floors, and they aren't 10 feet tall.

Did he nail the question? Absolutely.

Divulge Your Thought Process

揜eally, what interviewers are looking for is how somebody thinks through the problem,?explains Jean Eisel, director of the Career Management Center at Duke's Fuqua School of Business. 揥hether somebody gets the answer or not, it's more looking at how [job candidates] think through the problem. Don't try to get the answer. Focus on how you're going to divide the problem up. You don't necessarily have enough information to give the answer. They're really looking at how people process information.?

The brainteaser is a type of interview question that's recently been popping up more and more. The use of these puzzling questions (How many times do a clock's hands overlap in a day? How would you weigh a plane without scales?) is originally attributed to Microsoft and made its way into many technology companies' interviews. These types of questions have since been adopted by other industries, like business consulting, investment banking, law, marketing and finance.

There's even a book about this phenomenon, William Poundstone's How Would You Move Mount Fuji? The author offers similar advice to Eisel's: 揟hey really expect you to walk them through your whole way of reasoning. And even if you end up not getting the right answer, they can be very impressed by some of the approaches you toss out there. In solving any real-world problem in business, you basically have to go through this process of brainstorming some ideas that aren't going to work out. So if you can show that you can do that -- even with one of these [mind-bending] problems -- that gives them a lot of useful information, even if you don't actually come up with the answer.?

Talk It Out

Joel Spolsky is founder of Fog Creek Software and used to work as a program manager at Microsoft. He's used brainteasers at both companies, primarily as conversation starters. 揟he goal is to have an interesting conversation with the person and to try to see if they're smart through that conversation,?Spolsky explains. 揑f you have an interesting conversation about certain types of topics with a person, you can determine if [he] is the type of person you want to hire. The questions are almost a pretext to having that conversation. If you have a conversation with somebody about the Back Street Boys, you're not going to learn how smart the person is.?

The truth is, a smart interviewer won't particularly care if you know how many piano tuners there are in the world or why manhole covers are round instead of square. What interviewers will care about is how you approach, analyze and break down a problem.
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04-04-08 22:58操作

Remember those little logic puzzles your crazy uncle used to throw your way after Thanksgiving dinner to see if he could stump you? Well, they have been given new life and function in consulting, investment banking, and high-tech industry job interviews.

Brainteaser cases can take many forms. Some are straightforward logic puzzles (for example, "If you have a drawer filled with eight white socks and 13 black socks, what is the smallest number you would have to pull out without looking in order to be sure that you had a matching pair?").

Other questions might not have a single correct answer. Instead, they may serve as a platform for you to demonstrate your creativity and ability to think "out-of-the-box." For example, your interviewer might ask you to list all the ways you could find a needle in a haystack.

It's always a good idea to let your interviewer know what you are thinking as you attack the question. Even if you don't end up with the right answer, your analytical ability will be on display. Also, if you do start down the wrong track, your interviewer may be kind enough to nudge you down another path.

Even if an idea seems really outlandish, you should probably offer it up. Brainteasers are often designed to showcase an individual's creativity. The only sure way not to get any points on such a question is to sit there like a rabbit in the headlights. Thump!

Sample Brainteaser
This is a little logic puzzle that could be given to undergrads, MBAs, or advanced-degree candidates.

You have eight balls, one of which is heavier than the others. All the balls appear identical. You have a balance-type scale, and you can perform trials on the balls. What is the minimum number of trials required to determine which is the heaviest ball?

Two. You start by putting three balls on each side of the scale. There are two basic outcomes: one set of three is heavier, or both sets are in balance. If one set is heavier, you choose two balls from that set and weigh one on each side of the balance. If the balls balance, you know that the remaining one from the set is the heavy one.

In the second outcome from the first measurement, the two sets of three balls are in balance. That means the heavy ball is among the remaining two. Weigh them, and you'll have your answer.
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