[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-5 9:22:41编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-5 9:22:41编辑过]
以下是引用BlueFairy在2004-3-26 10:51:26的发言:
以下是引用iceblue在2004-3-26 12:57:27的发言:
Wellesley College.
The movie "Mona Lisa Smile" is a story happened in this college as wel.. hehe
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-26 13:21:59编辑过]
以下是引用hello921135在2004-3-26 13:07:31的发言:
ok, thanks~~ so Wellesley college is much better than Mount Holyoke College?
以下是引用iceblue在2004-3-26 12:57:27的发言:
Wellesley College.
The movie "Mona Lisa Smile" is a story happened in this college as wel.. hehe
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