乳房小叶增生, Breast lobule hyperplas
子宫, uterus
卵巢, ovary
阴道分泌物,vaginal discharge (can be from the cavity also)
白带 leukorrhea (if clear/yellow/brown intead of white creamy discharge,
just say clear clear/yellow/brown discharge)
If you have scanty bleed/secretion outside of your normal period, call it spotting.
The doc may also want to know if it has foul(fishy) smell...etc.
Relax, you will do just fine.
子宫, uterus
卵巢, ovary
阴道分泌物,vaginal discharge (can be from the cavity also)
白带 leukorrhea (if clear/yellow/brown intead of white creamy discharge,
just say clear clear/yellow/brown discharge)
If you have scanty bleed/secretion outside of your normal period, call it spotting.
The doc may also want to know if it has foul(fishy) smell...etc.
Relax, you will do just fine.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-29 14:03:08编辑过]