How many of you have been trading stuff with CHNZ? If you have done so, you may understand why I am saying this (see the subtitle)!!!
I bought a lovely long sweater from her, which is kind of heavy. I realized that the shipping would be more expensive to ship to Canada, I offered to add $2 to what she suggested (as stated, adjustment will be made upon actual shipping cost). The actual cost is higher than the price I paid (the actual cost of shipping is 61% of the cost of the sweater). She told me that the shipping was already very expensive and she was willing to share the extra cost with me.
I am's not about $$'s about the experience that you feel you are cared... not too often you feel that way in North America. I don't know what to say now.....
All the best, CHNZ!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-10 20:59:55编辑过]