大家所说的用来芳疗的精油是不是像THE BODY SHOP卖的那种"HOME FRAGRANCE OIL"啊?我是新新新新手,什么都不知道,但看大家说熏衣草精油可以百用所以很想买一点来给老公减减压,不知道从TBS买他们那种油对不对呀。。。。。
The Body Shop 创始人于上个礼拜突然病逝!她申诉剧烈头痛,入院后两天不治,享年62岁
thebodyshop 前一阵子好像被易手?突然有一天整个风格都变了。
The word 'PURE' doesn't say anything about the quality
i.e. When distilling Lemon did not mix with any other plant part(s),
technically speaking, it is PURE! If the same material recycle for re-distil, it can
jolly well say it its 'PURE'
Who cares and how many know about the chemotype?!
There were Rosemary added with camphor and it is still claimed it is 'PURE'
There were pple add Lemon, lemongrass and citronella and sold as Melissa too!
When there is demand, there is supply. It takes two hands.
thebodyshop 前一阵子好像被易手?突然有一天整个风格都变了。