Deep into the Black Hole of "Freedom"

Deep into the Black Hole of "Freedom"

---Sample Closing Statement for Donald J. Trump

By Limin Wang

September 10, 2024

Democraps' presidential nominee VP Karma Harries has her campaign slogan of "freedom". The word "freedom" sounds and looks good as a black hole which would suck attracted ignorants in. However, "freedom" is neither an abstract concept nor free as a standing-alone practice. Freedom's dialectical terms are responsibility, restraint, and repercussion. More specifically, who exercises what freedom? And who else's freedom will meet with restraint? And further who will bear the repercussion of exercised freedom? For example, Sleepy Joe and Coconuts Karma administration entices dark clouds of illegal immigrants into the USA through open border policies by claiming "freedom" of these humans while propping up corrupt foreign governments and toppling elected foreign governments as the USA governmental exercise of "freedom". Americans, you then look how many illegal immigrants end as homeless and even VICIOUSLY VIOLENT CRIMINALS in Democraps controlled states and cities, and then you ask yourselves who should have the RESPONSIBILITY and who are bearing the disastrous repercussions? More notably, GOVERNMENTAL RECKLESSNESS, MALFEASANCE, AND CONSPIRACY excused as governmental perpetrators' "freedom" would well lead to apocalyptic repercussion as deadly as WW3, beyond those on specific individuals and families. While Americans should enjoy their TANGIBLE freedoms such as freedom of expression, freedom of owning and bearing firearms, freedom of affordability to everyday life costs, etc, etc, where has been the responsibility of the Biden-Harris administration for almost the FULL term of four years? Sleepy Joe has been sleeping while Karma Harries has been laughing? I just want to ask Americans whether YOU should be held accountable for your "freedom" of bearing such repercussions? A further important example, when Coconuts Karma keeps talking about freedom of men and women on their bodies about LGBTQ or abortion, I Donald Jackhammer Trump would like to say I hold my responsibility very dearly to be a husband to one beautiful woman at a time, a father of my own biological children all the time, and I enjoy the freedom of having an integral family. When I become your President again, I would bear the responsibility of having the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA with more DOMESTIC, instead of migrant, FAMILIES AND CHILDREN, and I would not tolerate any level of U.S. government brainwashing and de facto abducting young children away from their REAL parents. If you want children, you'd better fuck responsibly and bear your OWN children and RAISE them well up to your capacity.