I got this information from another beauty forum. I just placed my first order about essential oils and carrier oils.
The price and service is quity good. Has anyone used that before?
I got this information from another beauty forum. I just placed my first order about essential oils and carrier oils.
The price and service is quity good. Has anyone used that before?
我今年买过一次,觉得价格便宜些,品质因为没有比较 所以也没有办法辨别;用起来的效果还是不错的;基础油比我之前在国内买的好一些,玫瑰泥混上蜂蜜保湿的效果不错
谢谢分享."玫瑰泥混上蜂蜜保湿的效果不错", 是 玫瑰油吗? 这次没舍得买.可以讲讲如何配置吗?
是不是这些精油基础油只能提供"油性保湿"? 我如果只用这些,是不是还缺"水性保湿"?
我也是第一次在这个网站买.快运到了.遗憾的是我要的 Extra Virgin Rosehip Oil is out of stock, I then just get the regular one. 不知道区别大不大?
If anyone interested and have tight budget like me, you might want to check it out. Some of the items I ordered are priced below:
Jojoba organic, 1 lb--$9.87
Evening primrose oil,8 oz. --$5.75
Geranium essential oil, 1 oz--$4.67
Lavender (Bulgaria) essential oil, 2 oz. - Mspecial --$8.90
Tea Tree essential oil, 2 oz.--$3.78
玫瑰泥是 那个rose clay 就是玫瑰花苞色的粉;
保湿还是看看自己在家做facial 那篇帖子吧 ,会明白的 呵呵。
If anyone interested and have tight budget like me, you might want to check it out. Some of the items I ordered are priced below:
Jojoba organic, 1 lb--$9.87
Evening primrose oil,8 oz. --$5.75
Geranium essential oil, 1 oz--$4.67
Lavender (Bulgaria) essential oil, 2 oz. - Mspecial --$8.90
Tea Tree essential oil, 2 oz.--$3.78
谢谢分享。真的好便宜。 看了一下,好像没有卖花水的。 还有运费如何呢?