见面率太低的话,可能1。profile不够好 2。自己开启聊天不够吸引人 3。设定filter/决定connect的条件太严格
yueyueyue 发表于 1/2/2020 5:38:26 PM [url=https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2488357&postid=82287001#82287001][img][/img][/url]
Thank you for you comments, yueyueyue :)
我的profile(short version for app and long version for match/eharmony/OK Cupid)有参照小麦mm的文章写draft并拍照+选照片, 再请用online dating apps/website成功找到另一半并且订婚的好朋友, 还有另外一位好友的曾经用过online dating apps/website的未婚夫和他的男性友人,一起帮我逐字review,像改CV / cover letter一样 (3位都是native speaker并都有graduate degree, 所以文法和用字遣词/sentence structure应该还行)修订我的内容, 也请两位男士帮我挑照片/排序,如果不好意思给板上姐妹们看+也没有其他用dating app/websites成功的闺蜜的话,我还可以如何做呢?
另一方面,很有可能是聊天内容不够有趣/flirty,所以对话无法进展到让男生约我见面, 我贴一下几个之前的对话,大家帮我看看? 我这方面真的悟性很差,也不知道要如何在短期之内快速提高, 年龄越来越大,真的好着急,小麦mm之前的文章有cover一些见面后的对话,但这个部分比较没有着墨,那几本推荐的书也没有着墨这个”如何发有趣的短信让男人想跟你见面”,之前有看一位mm分享(“这半年Online dating 20多人一点实战经验和个人看法 。如何发短信”),无奈我资质愚钝,还是领悟不来,大家可以分享一下你们是如何提高的吗? 感谢!
Sample 1:
Guy: trying to watch as much golf and nfl as possible!
ur projects def. sound exciting!
Me: How long have you been playing golf? Are you really good at it? Haha, they are super exciting projects :D Any plans for your holidays?
Guy: like 20 years I think - i used to be good, but was terrible last weekend!
No big plans for the week, what about u
Me: 20 years! It's a long time! Yeah, you don't practice it, you lose it. I just came back from XXX. Spend my holidays with my family :) Will relax this week :)
Sample 2:
Guy: Hi XXXXXX! What’s something you’ve learned to cook recently?
Me: I’ve tried miso salmon tofu recently. Sooooo good!!! And you?
Guy: Oh wow that sounds great! I’m a big salmon eater. I’m not a great chef but I found a seafood paella recipe online recently, and it turned out really well! Easier than I thought.
Me: I feel that cooking is like doing the scientific experiment….but you can eat the final product :D
Guy: Haha true! I think it’s also a creative expression. So I guess it’s both an art and a science! A piece of art that exists only for a few minutes and then is gone forever
Me: haha, exactly!!! :D
然后男生就不理我了, again…