Amazon has this Panasonic CT-27SL33 27" Pure Flat TV (Silver) for only $319.99 with free shipping. Plus you get free $50 gift certificate.
This is the 2003 model. The older model of the tv is the CT-27SX32. There isn't a much difference. Another similar model w/o PiP sells for $400 at CircuitCity.
Amazon also has Panasonic CT-24SL13 24" Pure Flat TV (Silver) for $260 with free shipping.Plus you get free $50 gift certificate.
product link:
This is the 2003 model. The older model of the tv is the CT-27SX32. There isn't a much difference. Another similar model w/o PiP sells for $400 at CircuitCity.
Amazon also has Panasonic CT-24SL13 24" Pure Flat TV (Silver) for $260 with free shipping.Plus you get free $50 gift certificate.
product link:
[此贴子已经被作者于7/18/2003 12:12:04 PM编辑过]