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06-09-01 12:14操作
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最近老公所在公司有空缺,递了简历,我得到了第一次面试。又紧张又装作无所谓。老实说,我也希望我能工作挣钱换大房间换新车,得回自己的信心;但又不想在同一个部门因为自己的不利表现而影响老公的形象和同事圈子。但是给我的机会怎么会say no!试试也是经验,老公给我长信心地说。。。 我不知道外国人对夫妻俩人在同一公司(或者同一部门)工作有什么看法?因为公婆原来也是同事,结婚后婆婆就辞职到别的公司做事情。。。

隔夜把job profile,公司概况都学习了一下,语言来不及补习了。。。老公模拟一些面试问题,和我讨论该传什么衣服。

老实说,我几乎只穿牛仔裤,休闲上衣的。所以很难找出一些面试穿的。 讨论了半天老公说我应该穿黑色西装和灰色裤子。因为裙子在膝盖上面,第一次面试没必要穿很sexy, 面试官都是女的。(可能女的也不想办公司来一个bitchy新人)。早上很早起来,(其实晚上也紧张得很晚才能入睡)吃好早饭刷牙,化一些淡装,穿上衣服,觉得太老气,于是把头发扎起来显得比较活泼。穿上隔夜擦得很亮的黑皮鞋。还真的像回事!准时到达,门卫登记领卡,等着派人来大门口接。握手,眼光要交流的,微笑。开始介绍工作的流程图。。。然后就是面试。关于个人介绍,家庭,兴趣爱好,假设一些“如果“问题,压力问题。面试不是很紧张,大概是我无所谓的态度。面完了我想大公司面试不过如此。。。


根据老公得到的面试结果。我的外语好像不是很好,但是我的个人总体印象比那天一同面试的另一个“竞争对手“好很多。我估计那个人淘汰了,尽管他是当地人,语言很好。谁叫他剃了个光头穿着皮夹克来的。(光头是小事,如果你是punk都没关系,老外还是重在你对这个面试的态度。)尽管他最后还问了“什么时候得到结果“这样的问题。所以,我被邀请参加下周的第二轮。。。我很开心,不管得到还是得不到这个职位,i was honest and serious and i did my best! :) 


1。不知道是不是还是同样的服装和打扮?还是要穿不同的,比如黑色职业裙子,这次还有head of Depart. 参与面试,还有其他面试官和其他竞争选手。(要不然得投资买衣服了。贵阿!)

 2。这次面试会安排在中午时段2个小时,包括一起吃午饭。。。不知道这算什么?该如何处理? 该如何在午餐交流?什么样的话题? 我和老公说我可以预先吃好了去参加面试,老公说人家已经说明了中午会一起用餐,我一定要参加的。

这葫芦里卖的什么?是不是考察大家的沟通交际能力?team? 处理?谈吐作为?这个面试考察范围可大了。。。难道还要考察我吃西餐的礼仪不成!?  


ps.由于是老公的上司女老板介绍的工作,她觉得我可以胜任,所以我才打算试试看的。所以我在面试里面尽量不提我老公在这个公司工作。。。不过第一轮面试由于老公的女老板也参与了,她说了认识我什么的。。。以至于上次面试的几个官员都知道了。。。不知道有利还是不利阿! 这次不知道邀请我第二次面试是不是我得真才实料,还是因为给我老公面子?我也搞不懂啊。。。总之,还是对自己的才能没信心。老公说他也不知道为什么在吃饭时间面试,而且面试的几个对手也会和面试官一起吃饭。这感觉真不妙。笑里要藏刀的感觉。。。

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06-09-01 12:32操作

i think you can wear the same suit w/ a different shirt. The lunch process depends on who you go to lunch with. If you go with both interviewer and other intervivewees, that's a little tricky. Just order easy to handle,  in-the-middle priced food, and get yourself into the conversation. If you are not aggressive, that's fine. But don't be too shy. Good luck! 

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06-09-01 15:40操作

I think lunch interviews (even with other candidates) are very common, just behave yourself and be confident!

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06-09-01 17:20操作

I feel sometimes lunch interview are more important, cause they can identify from the casual lunch if you're a person they want to work with on a daily basis. Behave yourself. Don't be nervous. Pick up the topics they like and try to find out if you have sth. in common with the mangers or interviewers.

You can definitely wear the same suit. I believe Cafeine mm also talked about this on this board. Yes, sure, a different shirt would be great. But you can also buy a suit, sooner or later in your work, you probably will need it anyway.

Good luck!

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06-09-07 03:13操作

Thanks to all friends above.

Yesterday I had interview in lunch. I waited at the gate with name card for someone to pick me up. So I saw another 2 candidates. (as HOD 's joke, i am in top5 list since i am in 2'nd time interview) I can choose language between english/german. I picked up english (I hope it didnt suck) HOD asked me some questions like : talk something about yourself. why should i enroll you, please convince me little bit. then asked me something about my work permit, parttime job and hobby lectures. and asked also like are you free to begin anytime... he spoke very quick english , but clear tone. So i have no problem to understand. But i try to speak also fluently without noticing/caring too much about my grammatic.....

well, only short 30 mins, then the head of office brought me to lunch.(This one is serious person i've heard and man can see that )Lucky thing is only she and me. I cant see there is something to exam. ...So i saw menu of day and thought to pick up something easy to eat: chicken nugets and potato chips just like Mc's food. and during lunch, of course, she didnt stop asking questions , like hobby, sports, where do i live, my plan, etc. Of course sometimes i also ask her the same question, so she can talk, i can continue eating. hehe... but she still eat quiet quick. So i try to speed up...:( chicken nuggets are so dry!!

and afterwards she suggested a coffee/tea. And i took a cappiccino coffee, while she took an espresso...definitly she finished drink much earlier than me!! ( i think i am already shows my "slowness"..).And i thank her for the food and coffee and end the conversation. Then i went to pick up my stuffs/bags and was sent to stairs by her. huh?finished...

I think the lunch is quiet relax. At least you can think and answer, no need to hurry. Also because you are eating, so actually you can take this chance to think and "delay"...:) And questions in lunch also will be "relax", like hobby or family stuffs. Of course you can make joke , make a relax atmosphere. But dont laugh with food on table! of course, i learned how to use fork , knife ahead and remember all details. Dont raise plate to your mouth...etc.

about dress, thank you for all tipps. I dress the same suit : black top and gray pants, black shoes. But i spend 11Euro bought a new female shirt in supermarket , a dark purple color like grapescolor. :) forturnately they are match .

I was thinking a whole interview process while i was on the way back. I found that this time i didnt emphasis how important this job for me is. I even told them my weakness(no workexperience compare with other candidates) even he didnt ask about weakness. (well, just obviously and to be honest) I dont know is this mistake. Well, but i made some jokes, HOD also laughed. And i prepared some questions and good answers last night, but actually i forgot in office. and... i dont know whether they will take me or not.  No matter what result, i think i am still satisfied because i have never had a 2nd run interview in a big co. So far it's my biggest sucess! :)

They will decide and give answer middle next week. And the job starts from Oct.  I will tell you if i get this job.

Thanks again to all friendly people here! :)


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-7 3:21:28编辑过]

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06-09-07 03:31操作

ps. during lunch when the atmosphere is not so serious. I asked the Head office some questions like:

1. how many people in her group and what they responsbile for.

2. how long takes a person to get note "good" in this position.(from 0 to good)

3. what you like best in your group?

4. what this co. in china produce?...(just for more topics, maybe too far from my life.hehe)

just try to let her market her group or get to know more about this team... also shows i care about this job. (at beginning with HOD i didnt mention a lot about this position. so now i made up this blank).

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