想问问各位JM,如何以最简洁明了的语言向没有H1B知识的hiring manager 科普?越简单越好,否则吓坏了hiring manager, 吓走了奥发就不好了
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-26 10:03:10编辑过]
想问问各位JM,如何以最简洁明了的语言向没有H1B知识的hiring manager 科普?越简单越好,否则吓坏了hiring manager, 吓走了奥发就不好了
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-26 10:03:10编辑过]
Tell him you need him to buy the ticket so you can play the game........just kidding~
H1B, the working permit for non-US citizens. It is very clear that a company should help you getting H1B if they are hiring you for a non-contract position. What a company need to do is just to fill in some forms, providing some company's information( financial info..etc). Then, of course, they should take care of the costs.
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