What is buddhism?

WheneverBuddhism is mentioned, people have the impression of a temple with monksreciting Buddhist sutras and mantras, and believe that is Buddhism. Or theyknow about praying through divination and offering of incense, and believe thatis Buddhism. Or they know there is a place where all affairs in the mundaneworld can be discarded which is the so-called ‘flight to emptiness’. Or helpingthe poor and needy people in societies which is the so-called ‘doing of gooddeeds’. These are all forms of the common understanding of the superficialappearance of Buddhism. So, what is the true meaning of Buddhism?

Buddhism is the teaching of the Buddha. Thereis only one Buddha on the Earth we are currently residing in, just like thereis only one venerable teacher in each class. The Buddha is the venerableteacher for all sentient beings. The contents of Buddha’s teachings becameBuddhism. The Buddha teaches sentient beings the relationship of cause andeffect, and how to practice the five precepts and ten wholesome deeds in orderfor people to keep the human form, and prevent them from falling into the threelower paths where there is a lot of suffering. The Buddha teaches sentientbeings what afflictions are, how to eliminate afflictions to attain liberation,what Buddha Bodhi is, and how to personally realize the Bodhi and eventuallyachieve Buddhahood with great ease. Buddhism can be and has to be personally realized by Buddhistpractitioners. It is not just a philosophy or metaphysics.

The Buddha has realized all the elements and functionsrequired to reach Buddhahood. The Buddha knows everything in the universe andbeyond. The Buddha’s great wisdom enables Him to have matchless capabilities.For example, Buddha knows the fate, karmic retribution, cause-and-effect, andintellect of every single sentient being. Thus He can make the best arrangementfor every sentient being. But Buddha cannot grant liberation to any sentientbeing, nor judge who should go to heaven, nor who should fall into the threelower paths of transmigration. The outcome is aresult of the

karmic retribution each sentient beingacquires and it therefore has to be accepted by each individual sentient being;hence the saying : good deeds render good karmic reward and evil deeds renderevil karmic retribution. It is not that there is no consequence, but the timehas not come yet.

The Four noble truths, the Noble Eightfold Path,and the Twelve Links of Dependent Arising, etc.--these are merely Buddhistterms and do not represent Buddhism by themselves; these terms need to beproperly defined to conform to the Buddha’s teachings, otherwise, they do notrepresent Buddhism.

When the Buddha appeared to enter nirvana, Heleft two instructions to the disciples: to follow and regard the Precepts asTeacher, and to follow and regard the Dharma as Teacher. The Precepts representcomplete pureness, not something bizarre, freakish, and against the morals andethics in the mundane world. The Dharma is the Buddha’s teachings. Anydeviation from the Buddha’s teachings is not Buddhism, even if the terms usedare identical, not to mention the terms or teachings that are created orinvented by ordinary people.

All of us will benefit from learningBuddhism, not only this lifetime, but future endless lifetimes. There is aChinese saying: Like drinking water, only the person drinking it will knowwhether the water is hot or cold. You must personallyrealize and experience to know how deep, wide, wonderful and unimaginable ofBuddhism is. Someday, when we want to know the answer to the meaning of life,the purpose for living, and what becomes of usafter death, the karmic connection to Buddhism is then established. TheBuddha can only liberate those who incline towards Buddhism! The Buddha waitspatiently for the conditions to mature for every sentient being to the pointwhere He can help them attain Buddhahood in the future.