我觉得根据公司的性质吧。有的公司就问一些behavioral quesitons, such as: "Tell me a little bit about yourself". "Why do you choose this industry?" "Tell me 3 reasons why you are suitable for this industry?"
偶没电话面试过,但是觉得应该跟IN OFFICE面试一样,主要是雇主问你答吧。
这里的面试不少是BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW,大多问得比较细,就一个SITUATION问你的具体反应,经验教训之类的,所以MM最好想几个能够表现自己优点(leadership,communication skill) 的具体例子。
highlight your strength, prepare succinct answer to each question, usually 2-3 sentences. You should practice until you feel confident about the common questions. A mock interview with your hubby might be helpful.
Besides, don't talk to much. The more you talk, the higher the chance that you will disclose your weakness. You should not exceed 40 percent of the content of phone conversation. Otherwise, it is not wise.
Another suggestion: go to bookstore, you can educate yourself by reading tons of books such as interview skills including phone and onsite.
Good Luck! Be confident!
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