Apart from your studies what do you consider to be your key achievements to date and why?
BTW-- it is a question from Industry / company? What kind of personality I should show them by answering this question? Thanks
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 15:51:38编辑过]
Apart from your studies what do you consider to be your key achievements to date and why?
BTW-- it is a question from Industry / company? What kind of personality I should show them by answering this question? Thanks
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 15:51:38编辑过]
Apart from your studies what do you consider to be your key achievements to date and why?
BTW-- it is a question from Industry / company? What kind of personality I should show them by answering this question? Thanks
可以表现你的cooperation with others,组织能力啊,学习能力啊,具体看那个job的position requirement,往上面靠就是了
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