[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/2 0:08:08编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/2 0:08:08编辑过]
我是职场新人,确要 organize a baby showe party in the company.
一点经验都没有, 有没有什么好的建议呀.
thanks a lot!
It is rather simple. Ask some colleagues to help you. You just need to -
1) Send out an invitation for time, place and ect.
2) Buy a cake with $$ donated by co-workers. We normally put $$ together and buy a big item from the registry, like car seat ... We will use the leftover for cake. You can also prepare some punch if you want to.
3) Buy a few decorations, balloons....
4) Maybe plan a small game to play. All your female co-workers should know some games.
thanks a lot for all the suggestions.
feel much better now.
1.pregant的同事自己什么都准备了.不缺什么了.能买huggies diaper作为礼物吗? 再加上gift card.
2.那种party 的气球哪儿有卖呀?哪儿可以充气呢?是不是必须当天充气?
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