发现我们这儿一家organic store有卖这个牌子的精油,是加州的一个公司,号称organic essential oils and extracts since 1981,和Oshadhi放在一起。不过这家都是5ml的小瓶,对我这个初学者来说好像比较好。最后买了他家tea tree和lavendar都是$7.5。有没有jms知道这个牌子的,评价怎么样?
I found another brand called Nature's Alchemy who makes essential oils.
E.g. http://www.naturesalchemy.com/ http://shop.store.yahoo.com/hono/nature-s-alchemy.html
Actually I found this brand at local store, not the full line of the essential oils; but it has something like 10 kinds.
I wonder if somebody ever used it or heard of it?
(It seems to me, a lot of small companies are doing this business ya.)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-27 0:03:38编辑过]