[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-3 4:57:10编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-3 4:57:10编辑过]
Torcello is beautiful because it is not like any other part of Venice packed with tourists.
Burano, beautiful and colorful, my favorite island in Venice, also famous for its lace products.
San Marco
It happens to be Carnival Season, so you can see street parties, costumes and masked people everywhere.
Rialto Market
Busy place with fresh fruit, fresh seafood, and fresh flowers. The pasta looks too nice to eat.
Ponte Di Rialto
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-3 4:32:43编辑过]
亲身参观过Museum of 后,对于其它西方艺术博物馆可能都会产生审美疲劳。It’s hard to think of ANY greater museums than those of the . Other galleries may match the broad span and myriad of its artifacts, but none can also offer works of art that include entire rooms painted by Raphael and the ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.
喜欢雕塑的当然不能错过octagonal courtyard
Raphael四个画室中room of signature里的两副
BTW, hotels in Rome are not cheap. I would highly recommend Via Veneto district. Via Veneto是罗马难得交通便利又整洁漂亮的地区。美领馆和许多著名的五星豪华酒店都在这个区。如果去罗马旅游,强烈推荐这个地区,虽然同一星级的酒店会比其它地区略贵,但是综合环境出行方便程度来说,个人认为非常值得。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-6 11:09:46编辑过]
Italian countryside
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-6 11:06:02编辑过]
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!
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