申请一个faculty位置,要求包括一封letter of application, 请问这种信大概要写些
什么内容?还是跟普通的cover letter差不多?
另外, statement of teaching interest大概说些什么呢?如果只列自己愿意教的课,
什么内容?还是跟普通的cover letter差不多?
另外, statement of teaching interest大概说些什么呢?如果只列自己愿意教的课,
I would prepare a cover letter, research statement, and teaching statement for the application package. I guess if you include a statement of research, then the letter of application should be the same as a cover letter, basically, saying what position you are applying for, a general description of your interest in the position, your background in teaching and research, etc. one page is enough.
As for teaching statement, I would say something about my teaching philosophy (what's my teaching beliefs, goals, etc), and teaching experiences, and how well I performed in teaching, what I learned from the experiences, how I enjoyed it, etc. one or two pages.
Hope this helps!
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