最近在油版潜了一阵油,比潜水南多了,决定试一下油了,大家看下面的kit怎样,要是有人首肯,我就行动,省得我一个一个去收集了, 先谢了!!
目标:保湿(脸,眼都干, T区油),提亮(有暗沉, 555),排毒(额头有小闭头粉次,刚学来的名词 :)),还要抗衰老,。。。。
手头另有杂牌and BBW lanvander, Geranium, green tea(from H2o+), 想配眼油,try to buy roll-on bottle ...
BEGINNER KIT #3 The most luxurious.
Four organic essential oils, Clary Sage, the ultimate woman's oil, Ylang-ylang 1, wonderfully floral from Madagascar, Organic Sweet Orange for brightening the spirits, and true Bulgarian Rose Otto, diluted 10% in Jojoba, with one ounce of Jojoba, the basic skincare carrier oil. five and two ml blending bottles, and an extra one ounce plastic bottle for massage blends, as well as our new Introduction to Aromatherapy.