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[灌水]有没有人喜欢看FOX的PRISON BREAK?-周一晚八点

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06-01-12 11:15操作
[灌水]有没有人喜欢看FOX的PRISON BREAK?-周一晚八点

Wentworth Millerrth Miller is gorgeous!

Biography for
Wentworth Miller




6' 1½" (1.87 m)

Mini biography

London born-Brooklyn raised Miller is part African-American, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian, and Lebanese. He graduated Quaker Valley Senior High School in Leetsdale, PA (Just outside Pittsburgh) in 1990 and went on to Princeton, where he traveled the world with the school's a capella group. After graduating Princeton with a degree in English literature, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the background of the entertainment industry, and later acting.

His acting career started with guest spots on TV, including Including roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Popular," and "ER," and a starring role in the ABC miniseries "Dinotopia." His first film role was in "The Human Stain," playing a young Anthony Hopkins. After that he landed supporting roles in "Underworld," "Stealth," "Joan of Arcadia," "Ghost Whisperer," and two Mariah Carey videos.

Miller was cast in "Prison Break" because his signature look and acting made him the perfect fit for the character, and later, the breakout star of the 2005 TV season.


Graduated from Princeton with a degree in English

Is of Black, Jamaican, English, German, French, Dutch, Syrian and Lebanese descents.

Graduated from Midwood H.S. at Brooklyn College (Brooklyn, N.Y.) in 1990.

He has one eye that is a different color than the other. His left eye is green while his right eye is hazel.

His mother is a Special Education Teacher and a graduate from Yale.

His father is a Lawyer and a graduate of Yale.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-29 13:45:32编辑过]

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06-01-12 11:16操作

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06-03-28 14:14操作
More pictures

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-28 14:14:27编辑过]

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06-03-28 14:16操作

Pictures from the show "Prison Break"

SHOW DESCRIPTION:Michael Scofield is a desperate man in a desperate situation. His brother, Lincoln Burrows, is on death row and scheduled to die in a few months for a murder Michael is convinced Lincoln did not commit. With no other options and time winding down, Michael holds up a bank to get himself incarcerated alongside his brother in Fox River State Penitentiary. Once he's inside, we learn that Michael -- a structural engineer with the blueprints for the prison -- has hatched an elaborate plan to break Lincoln out and prove his innocence. Senior correctional officer Bellick offers some prison wisdom as Michael arrives. Then, with the help of his cellmate Sucre, Michael begins to align himself with a disparate group of prisoners -- including former mob boss John Abruzzi, and Charles Westmoreland, a man some believe to be the infamous skyjacker D.B. Cooper. On the outside Michael has only one ally, his defense attorney and longtime friend, Veronica Donovan -- who is Lincoln's former girlfriend. Meanwhile, Lincoln's 15-year-old son, LJ, is now adrift without his Uncle Michael's positive influence.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-29 9:12:41编辑过]

0操作5 #
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06-03-28 14:25操作
Yeah, he's freaking gorgeous, but rumor says he's gay.[em30]
0操作6 #
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06-03-28 14:36操作

gay????????????????? 不会吧?

他实在是太帅了, 看prison break就是为了看他.

我真的要伤心死了, 为什么帅哥都是gay啊~~~

0操作7 #
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06-03-28 14:59操作

Nah, I do not think he is gay.

The show of last night, his back get burned. It is so painful to watch.

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06-03-28 17:10操作
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06-03-28 20:49操作
More pictures of Miller

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-28 20:51:03编辑过]

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06-03-28 20:52操作
32nd Annual People's Choice Awards - Press Room

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-28 20:53:23编辑过]

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06-03-28 21:06操作
me!!!!!!!!!!! He is my dream guy!!!!!!!!![em07][em07][em07][em07][em07][em07]
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06-03-28 21:09操作




[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-28 21:09:14编辑过]

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06-03-28 21:10操作
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06-03-28 21:13操作

Pro Cons

A guide to the jailbirds of ''Prison Break'': From antihero Michael to scuzzy T-Bag, here are the six inmates who make Fox's thriller (back on March 20) worth watching by Jeff Jensen

Michael Scofield
Wentworth Miller

CRIME Armed robbery; the enigmatic engineer held up a bank as part of a scheme (mapped out in an elaborate front-and-back torso tattoo) to spring his brother, death-row inmate Lincoln, from an Illinois lockup

SENTENCE Five years

HOW HE'S LIKE MICHAEL ''A sense of discipline and organization. My scripts are in a very neat stack.''

SECRET ORIGIN Thanks to a flashback, viewers will see that Michael's poker-faced prison demeanor was forged long before his brother's incarceration. ''There's a beautiful irony: The persona that Lincoln forced Michael to develop years before is what's going to save his ass now.''

TATTOO BLUES Miller's dream plot: tattoo removal! ''It's become difficult — a four-hour process every time.'' Too bad, pal: Producers say the ink is essential to season 2.

BEFORE HE BREAKS OUT... Michael will wig out. And Miller can't wait. ''The cracks in Michael start to show. Sometimes I'll be watching Robert [Knepper, who plays T-Bag] or Peter [Stormare, who plays toe-pruning mobster John Abruzzi] chew the scenery and think, 'I want to do that!'... This is my chance to spread my wings.''

COULD HE REALLY SURVIVE PRISON? ''I wouldn't last five seconds.''

ESTIMATED CHANCE OF ESCAPE 100%. Explains Sarah Wayne Callies (who plays prison doc Sara): ''Everyone is expendable — except Wentworth.''

(For a full interview with Wentworth Miller, click here.)

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06-03-28 21:14操作

Jail Bait
From the Joliet Correctional Center set of ''Prison Break'': Jeff Jensen talks to Wentworth Miller about upcoming episodes, how he's similar to his character, and more

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JAILHOUSE ROCKS ''After working here for eight months, it's simply a place I go to work,'' says Miller of the ''Break'' set

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How did you feel about the three-month hiatus?
WENTWORTH MILLER: I hope the fans don't hold it against us. I talked to some fans who were upset that we got pulled when we did; I think they were quite on the edge of their seats. I only hope we got the hook in deep enough.... All of these [scheduling] decisions are being made by people I've never met and probably never will. I was told this was some kind of experiment — that Fox wanted to set up a kind of schedule that's akin to what you might find on cable, where 24 was on for six months, then we were on for six months... I think there was an outcry. And I think when fans heard we might be off until May... they went to town for it. My mom is a big fan of the show. She misses seeing me on TV every week. I thought it might be cool if we released the first 13 episodes on DVD before we aired, but again, my decisions are mute.

You sound like a real marketing guru.
Well, I did work behind the scenes for six years. I picked up bits and pieces when I wasn't walking someone's dog or working Xerox machines.

Do you find playing Michael has affected your life? Do you suddenly start thinking real deliberately and intricately about how you're going to clean your apartment or something?
No, I don't. I don't have to. Because the character and I already had a lot in common to begin with. I'm not Michael Scofield, but I haven't plucked him out of thin air... I've exaggerated [him] for the show.

What do you have in common with Michael?
His sense of discipline and organization. Those are things that have served me well on the road to forging some kind of career for myself. My scripts are in a neat stack at home.

The prison has a real oppressive vibe. What's it like to work here? How has your regard for this setting evolved?
If you find a stone with a sharp edge, and you rub it a great deal, eventually that stone will become smooth. After working here for eight months, it's simply a place I go to work. The initial feeling of mystery and sadness when I came to Joliet has worn off pretty significantly. I do have a little fantasy where in the last episode of the season we break out of our cells, slip down into the prison's sewer systems, we're climbing up through all these grates, and we pop up out a hatch — and we're face to face with [Lost's] Matthew Fox. It would be nice to get out of here.... I had a friend who came to visit me who is versed in certain New Age spiritual matters. She said, ''It's like someone burned toast in the room — the smell remains. So many terrible things happened in this place it's left a residue, and what you don't realize is that you're all taking this home with you.'' She said we should all be massaged at the end of the day. I'm all for that!

How has your attitude and approach to your character evolved?
It has changed. There is an episode coming up... a flashback episode where you see all the characters in their lives before meeting up behind bars. It was a pivotal episode in terms of how I perceive my character, because up until that point, I had always assumed there was ''Pre-Prison Michael'' and ''Prison Michael,'' and the division between the two, or at least the catalyst for Prison Michael, was Lincoln being incarcerated — suddenly Michael assumed this stone-cold, poker-face persona to help him navigate these very dangerous corners. But when I read the flashback episode, I realized that that persona is something my character developed early on, when his parents were no longer on the scene. It was just Michael and his brother, and his brother was all he had, but his brother was also dysfunctional. So [because] Michael had to protect himself from the person that also happens to be the most important presence in his life, he started developing that kind of distance. There's a beautiful kind of irony to my character's story: The very persona that Lincoln forced Michael to develop at an early age is exactly what's going to save Lincoln's ass here and now.

Michael is always in total control. Will we ever see him get ruffled?
Absolutely. That [flashback] episode and the one following it, it's like someone threw a hammer in a mirror and Michael starts to splinter. The plan goes south, his brother is two steps from the electric chair, and now the cracks start to show. Michael's humanity that he's been burying all along — his fear, his anxiety, his anger — all that starts to seep through

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06-03-28 21:15操作

'Prison Break''s Miller
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BROTHERS BEHIND BARS Miller with costar Dominic Purcell

It is extremely cold today here on the set — and you're shooting outside, in the yard. How do you survive a day like this?
It all comes back to gratitude. I'm happy to have a show. I'm happy to have a place to go every morning. I'm incredibly fortunate to be working with material that inspires me. And I'm also working with a fantastic cast and crew. If you want to know what gets me through the day and it's freezing and your lips are refusing to do what want them to do, all you can hope for a take is that you get the words out in the right order.

It seems like you and the cast are a pretty tight. Thick as thieves, you might say.
We all genuinely like each other. No one throws tantrums. There are no divas. We do not tolerate divas, as a matter of fact.

What happens when someone pulls some diva behavior?
We take 'em down! We're like a fraternity: If someone gets a little uppity, or their nose is out of joint, we joke with them, until we slap them upside the head.

How have you dealt with your newfound celebrity?
I try to stay as far away from the excessive parts of the business as possible. I don't go out to the bars and clubs. I'm not trolling the fansites. The attraction is there; two people at a bar, talking about you — you wanna know what they're saying. Then again, they may not know who you are, and they may not even like you. I remember going on one site, reading something about my performance and it wasn't flattering. I took it to heart — like it was my acting coach who had given me some criticism — until I realized, This could be some 11-year-old in his mom's basement who didn't get his juice box that morning and he's taking the abuse out on me.

Will you be spending your summer vacation working on a film?
As we approached the hiatus, I thought, Now is the time for me to get into a feature, maybe something small, something that winds up at Sundance — a nice contrast to Prison Break. But while I hope Prison Break is a means to an end, it's also an ends to itself. So I decided not to do anything in my hiatus. We shot 22 episodes. It's strenuous. It's important to take a couple months off to recharge the batteries so I can go into the second season and be just as kick-ass.

How much do you know about life after breakout?
I know the general outline where things are going to go, where Michael and Lincoln will find themselves in the second season. But I don't know the day-to-day mechanics.

I'm hearing rumors of a prison break-in somewhere down the road?
I have heard about the brothers perhaps winding up back in prison after a season on the run. If they can keep coming up with the ideas, I'm all for it. I personally think this show will burn bright, and fast. There's a beginning, a middle, and an end. We're not a Friends or a CSI that can be strung out forever. There's a certain story we set out to tell, and one day, we'll reach the end of it.

Will you be able to get rid of the tattoo next season?
I wish. It seems that it's coming with us... Michael has included on his tattoo various things that reference what we might do once we're on the outside. So we might not see it as much, but it will certainly be there. It's become difficult. It's four- or five-hour process, each and every time. The writers have hard-on for it. I know it's a great special effect. But it takes work. My idea is that as soon as the brothers break out, they stop off at a clinic somewhere south of the border for a little bit of laser tattoo removal and take care of that puppy once and for all.

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0操作17 #
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06-03-28 21:19操作
以下是引用wujiluvxixi在2006-3-28 14:25:00的发言:
Yeah, he's freaking gorgeous, but rumor says he's gay.[em30]

he can't be gay!!!!!!!!!!!wuwuwuwu

0操作18 #
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06-03-28 21:22操作

hey,终于找到同好了! I like the show and this guy very much!

不过前几天看Underworld的DVD(以前看过电影根本没记住他),惊讶的发现原来他在里面演出卖男主的那个医生, 晕, 当时可真一点也不引人注意啊, 果然男人也要成熟些才更有魅力. :D

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06-03-28 21:24操作

His Big 'Break': Wentworth Miller isn't trying to escape the hunk label

Sunday, March 19, 2006

By Terry Morrow


With Wentworth Miller's new look comes a different attitude.

"My head is like a beacon now," he said, rubbing the stubby locks needed for his role as desperate inmate Michael Scofield on Prison Break (returning 8 p.m. Monday on Fox).

"Now that I have done this show, I am much more cautious about obeying the many rules that we take for granted. When you drive down the highway, you see one of those signs that says if you hit a construction worker, it's like a $10,000 fine and 14 years in prison.

"It could happen so easily. (Prison) could happen to you."

For Prison Break, Miller shaved his head. He said that his lack of hair is a daily reminder that one misstep could mean life in prison.

On the series, he plays a man who gets himself sent to prison in order to spring his inmate brother, whom Michael believes was wrongly convicted. Michael's elaborate scheme to spring the brother has met many hurdles, and time is running out.

Prison Break has not had a new episode on the air for months. As the story resumes, it's the night before the brother's execution, and Michael's escape plan has failed. Now it's up to the would-be escapees to try and get back into their cells before they are discovered.

"The appeal of the show is that prison is a real-life story," Miller said.

In fact, while shooting scenes at an abandoned prison in Illinois, Miller said that a man on the crew who had once been an inmate there approached him.

"He said he did not do the crime, but took the fall for someone else," he said. "He told me working on the show was one of the most positive experiences he has had since 1984.

"It's amazing that we are working on a show that actually impacts someone's life in a positive way. It's not something I anticipated when I started this."

Until now, Miller's career has been filled with relatively minor roles. He played a young version of Anthony Hopkins' character in the racial drama The Human Stain. On TV, his resume is filled with small parts.

But with the unexpected success of Prison Break, Miller has emerged as a sex symbol, gracing many magazine covers.

Miller, a 33-year-old bachelor, was born in Oxfordshire, England, the son of a Rhodes scholar. He has only faint traces of a British accent.

He said that his work schedule is preventing him from meeting anyone to date.

"We shoot in Chicago, where it is really cold, and I walk around in a coat and hat as I go down the street," he said. "No one has really seen me yet."

If Miller is trying to be unassuming, it is not working. On this night, at a party for the Fox network, he is among the stars at whom many guests stare. He appears unaware that he is the network's newest sex symbol.

"An actor wants to be respected for his work. Everything else is second," he said. "If the whole hunk thing opens doors for me, gets me to a director I have not worked with before, then I am certainly willing to go along for that ride.

"You have to be comfortable with that kind of thing, to a degree. An actor walks into a casting agent's office, and he is automatically judged. Where do I fit in? What can I bring to this situation? What kind of label are they slapping on my forehead? It's the nature of the beast. You're always boxed in, and you cannot escape."

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06-03-28 21:28操作
他在Mariah Carey的 WE BELONG TOGETHER 的MTV里面,最后MARIAH就是和他跑掉的。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-28 21:30:12编辑过]
