Discover the soft caress of Lilac.
Lilac: a symbol of renewal because it flowers in the spring, bearing a multitude of blossoms, with a scent as light as a cloud. Its fragrance is born deep in the clusters of fresh flowers, in the intimacy of its tightly-curled buds. Angelic and sensual, its caressing sweetness is an invitation to pleasure.
Mauve Lilac in full bloom has a green, spicy fragrance, with almond notes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-14 4:23:53编辑过]
投票:Yves Rocher Pur Désir de Lilas Eau de Toilette - 多选(最多可选5项)
截止时间:2033-04-29 17:01:33
截止时间:2033-04-29 17:01:33