早想写点东西, 终于找点时间写点游记,希望对即将要去的人有帮助.
我和老公提前三个礼拜才定下来, 先列一下我们的花费:
1. 机票: HOTWIRE 上定的, AA的, $469一个人. We depart from Austin, TX.
3.住:KIHEI AKAI的1/1APARTMENT, $50 每晚.这个要说明一下,我们拿到的
LAST MINUTE RESERVATION(WITHIN 3 WEEKS UPON ARRIVAL)的价.平常是75-85刀一晚.It has everything you may need, such as beach towel, bamboo mat, surfingboard, beach umbrella, kitchen, fridge, linen, bowls, pots, cups, glasses and etc. It does not have too many bathroom towels, though. So I had to use the washer quite a few times. It's good for its price and its location but I think it could be a little cleaner.
4. Food: We went to Costco two times and spent $200 on grocery. Tried Bada Bing, Canton Chef, 勇鱼 (a korean resturant in south kihei), Taco Bell, Royal Thai Cuisine. The total cost for food is about $400. I strongly recommend Bada Bing, an Italian-American resturant and its pasta and pre-entree little bread tasted really good. Do not like Canton Chef and 勇鱼 at all. The tacoes in Taco Bell were much less delicious than the Taco Bell in Austin, not sure if it is because there are a lot of Mexicans in Austin. The Royal Thai Cuisine is not bad either. Actually we both like it.
5. Bought a few magnets and other things in ABC store, which cost us about $100.
Will run back home. Will try to continue tomorrow.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-19 17:26:26编辑过]