Your credit payment history is recorded in a file known as a credit report or credit profile. These credit reports are maintained and sold by credit reporting agencies (CRAs), commonly known as credit bureaus, such as Equifax, TransUnion and Experian (formerly TRW). If you have ever applied for a credit or charge account, a personal loan, insurance, or a job, you would have a credit record on file. Your credit record may contain information about your debts and credit payment history. It also may indicate whether judgments have been entered against you, or whether you have filed for bankruptcy. Only credit grantors make credit decisions, not credit reporting agencies.
Your credit payment history is recorded in a file known as a credit report or credit profile. These credit reports are maintained and sold by credit reporting agencies (CRAs), commonly known as credit bureaus, such as Equifax, TransUnion and Experian (formerly TRW). If you have ever applied for a credit or charge account, a personal loan, insurance, or a job, you would have a credit record on file. Your credit record may contain information about your debts and credit payment history. It also may indicate whether judgments have been entered against you, or whether you have filed for bankruptcy. Only credit grantors make credit decisions, not credit reporting agencies.