产品名称:Origins You're Getting Warmer Purifying clay mask 品木宣言 热情有净温感面膜
产品规格:3.4 fl. oz./100 ml
官方描述:Feel the warmth. You’re Getting Warmer is best for combination and oily skin.
Warmth. It comforts, coddles, welcomes and embraces. Makes us feel good, physically and emotionally. And now it pampers, purifies and protects your skin, too. It all begins when you massage this mask onto clean, moistened skin. Feel it warm to your touch as deep-cleansing Clay clears pores of impurities. Special Seaweeds protect and refresh. And sultry Cinnamon seduces your senses.
HOW TO USE: Leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse.
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