一年之后随时可以cash out, 这几年的apr 都大于4。6%。
以前还可以用信用卡买, 有1%的cash back。
一年之后随时可以cash out, 这几年的apr 都大于4。6%。
以前还可以用信用卡买, 有1%的cash back。
一年之后随时可以cash out, 这几年的apr 都大于4。6%。
以前还可以用信用卡买, 有1%的cash back。
You may sell bonds at any time. But if interest goes up you may end up losing money.
i bond要一年之后才能卖。
怎么会lose money呢?一年之后随时可以卖阿。而且interest涨,bond 的利率也涨的。 查查就知道了, 2000年时有7点几。
一年之后随时可以cash out, 这几年的apr 都大于4。6%。
以前还可以用信用卡买, 有1%的cash back。
What did you mean 而且interest涨,bond 的利率也涨的。
When you own a bond, it pays FIXED coupon dividend once or twice a year and it pays the FIXED principle at maturity.
coupon rate = coupon dividend per year / principle or face value
If the prime interest rate > coupon rate, the bond will be sold at discount, which means selling price < face value. Conversely, when interest rate < coupon rate, selling price > face value.
So if you bought a bond when prime interest rate is A, and sell the bond when prime interest rate is at a higher B, the selling price will be lower than your purchase price, you WILL lose money.
Yes, it is possible at this time you will see some newly issued bond with higher coupon rate, but those are not the bond you own and you cannot make money because of them。
Did I miss something?
If you wonder why the coupon rate of the bond is higher than interest rate you can ear from a bank account, the reason is that you bear higher risks when you invest in a bond. Your deposit in the bank is insured with US government. On the other hand, there is the possibility, although small, that the bond could default, and you will not get paid the promised dividend, even the principle. There are also other more complicated and subtle risks involved. The bond issuer pay you higher return to attract your investment.
可以介绍一下什么是Iseries or EE series 吗? 您说的是什么bond?
对于奇怪什么是bond的人, 世界上有一种东西叫search engine.
What did you mean 而且interest涨,bond 的利率也涨的。
When you own a bond, it pays FIXED coupon dividend once or twice a year and it pays the FIXED principle at maturity.
coupon rate = coupon dividend per year / principle or face value
If the prime interest rate > coupon rate, the bond will be sold at discount, which means selling price < face value. Conversely, when interest rate < coupon rate, selling price > face value.
So if you bought a bond when prime interest rate is A, and sell the bond when prime interest rate is at a higher B, the selling price will be lower than your purchase price, you WILL lose money.
Yes, it is possible at this time you will see some newly issued bond with higher coupon rate, but those are not the bond you own and you cannot make money because of them。
Did I miss something?
If you wonder why the coupon rate of the bond is higher than interest rate you can ear from a bank account, the reason is that you bear higher risks when you invest in a bond. Your deposit in the bank is insured with US government. On the other hand, there is the possibility, although small, that the bond could default, and you will not get paid the promised dividend, even the principle. There are also other more complicated and subtle risks involved. The bond issuer pay you higher return to attract your investment.
The possibility of default of investment grade bond is relatively small
but the possibility goes high for junk bond ( but I will suggest buy "junk" bond of GM and Ford.
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