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More sharks in home loan waters

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05-07-01 17:27操作
More sharks in home loan waters

结婚后第一件事就是买房了. 贷款方面的事不能不看. if something seems too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true. 大多时候, 不是他们肯贷款给你多少, 你就要花多少钱去买房. 而每月付的钱少, 也并不等于他们就给了你最好的贷款条件. 在贷款之前, 了解下他们怎样只为自己赚钱,而把你的最大的investment, your house, put at risk是很必要的.

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The risk of default is growing for some home loans as mortgage-lending standards loosen, said Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, which responded by tightening risk criteria for those home loans, a newspaper report said Wednesday. The ratings company said the tightening applies to loans that are bundled into mortgage-backed securities for sale to investors as well as option adjustable-rate mortgage loans, or option ARMs, The Wall Street Journal said.

Option ARMs give borrowers flexibility to reduce their initial monthly payments and have surged in popularity in recent months as rapidly rising house prices have made it more difficult for many Americans to afford homes and led buyers to seek ways to hold down monthly payments, the newspaper said. Some economists fear that option ARMs and other loans that reduce initial payments are fueling house-price inflation by enabling people to bid more for homes than they could if they were taking out conventional loans, said the Journal. Option ARMs and similar loans are among "the only things left that are keeping home prices rising," Stuart Feldstein, president of financial-services market-research firm SMR Research Corp., told the newspaper. Other factors include low interest rates and low inventories in many places.

Sticker shock

Under option ARMs, borrowers can make payments that cover the interest and chip away at the principal, pay only the interest due that month, or make minimum payments that don't cover all of the interest due -- which increases the balance of the loan, the Journal said. But the borrower has to pay the interest and principal eventually, and monthly amounts due can soar if interest rates rise and the borrower paid only the minimum amount in the early years of the loan, according to the report. Michael Stock, an analyst at S&P in New York, told the Journal that some borrowers will face increases in their monthly payments of 50 to 90 percent, and those whose income proves insufficient may default. To account for the additional risks presented by option ARMs, S&P will require more "credit enhancement" for mortgage securities backed by option ARMs, meaning a larger slice of each issue of such securities will be rated below triple-A, the Journal said. The holders of the lower-rated portions of such securities issues are the first to absorb any losses that result from defaults, according to the report.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-1 17:32:10编辑过]

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05-07-01 17:42操作
最值得一提的是option ARMs. 它的原理同只pay min payment on credit card 一样. 每个月连基本的利息都不付掉. 结果是使贷款的本金不但不减少, 还每个月都会增加. 往往等屋主明白过来的时候, 房子已经完全不是自己的了.
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