I think Google have a great future. Though it's two hundred dollars per share now, it will double the price with one year.
I think Google have a great future. Though it's two hundred dollars per share now, it will double the price with one year.
建议ban掉所有在这里推荐某一个股的文章. 至少要加上一句"个人意见,风险自付"吧!
从来都对这种没理由的"I feel" "I though" 之类的荐股不屑一顾. 完全是不负责任.
而且提醒lz一下, 如果你肯将goog以$200/share卖给我的话, 有多少我要多少. 因为现在的价格是$290.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-22 13:46:33编辑过]
Thank you for the tip. I bought some Google at $270, then sold at $305.
Yes, it's risky. But 10% gain with 10 days. Hahaa.
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